Leaflet of SpyParty Strategies

SpyParty is complex and subtle; the Leaflet of SpyParty Strategies is simple and absolute.

This guide is meant to be accessible with minimal jargon. Brevity is favored over technical accuracy.

Don’t miss out on better (but much more verbose) guides in the SpyParty Discord


0: Review replays.

Quickly review a

while in a to see where things went wrong. Consider reviewing replays after a match for an in-depth review.

As Spy

1: Do missions—snipers are blind.

If you don’t finish missions, your only chance of winning is if the sniper happens to shoot a non-player character (

). If you don’t believe snipers are blind, why didn’t you see the spy do that really obvious thing last time?

Walking away from the

reduces the amount of time before you can again. Otherwise, the minimum wait time is 45s.

2: Be opportunistic, not reckless.

Be ready to take an opportunity when a mission is favorable—but also be aware of the risks.

e.g. the

happens to join a crowded conversation right next to you. Before you immediately just because you can, consider the following: Is there anything blocking the sniper’s view? Are there any people at bookshelves or statues, or otherwise distracting the sniper?

The first 10s is often a good opportunity to complete

, , , or even . Everyone is moving so the sniper is distracted.

3: Share banana bread generously, but infrequently.

Maximize the people in conversations when you

since anyone else is not the spy.

Minimize the number of times you Contact each game since each Contact gives info to the sniper. When you Contact, ensure you complete at least one mission (usually the Contact itself).

Immediately before or after a

(while the sniper is trying to see who was not in a conversation) is often a good opportunity to complete another mission.

4: Favor mission completion over acting like a non-player character.

There’s actions or behaviors that a spy is supposed to follow to act like an

. Don’t bother unless the sniper shoots you for not doing so.

e.g. only a spy can

a drink (NPCs must thrice), but there’s no harm in gulping if the sniper isn’t going to notice. Gulping is faster and gives you time to complete other missions.

Don’t worry about not knowing all of these actions/behaviors. You will naturally learn the important ones as you play.

As Sniper

5: Hold steady—spies don’t finish.

Spies lose if they run out of time. Spies win if you shoot a


Wait until you have a high level of confidence rather than shooting on first suspicion.

6: Focus, but don’t develop tunnel vision.

Focusing on people with the potential to complete a mission, or people who have generally seemed active, is good. However, if you develop tunnel vision and have lost sight of other people, then you have reduced your chance of winning drastically: You can only win if the spy runs out of time or you happened to obsess over the right person.

7: Prioritize missions, but do not be predictable.

Watching all the missions poorly is worse than watching some of the missions well. However, if you are predictable, then the spy can avoid the missions you watch.

Learn to actively watch for missions one at a time. With time, you will be able to passively watch some missions effectively.

is not a mission—a spy cannot win by adding time.

8: Light ‘em up.

Lights are the primary tool for a sniper so make sure to use them.

Here’s how they’re most commonly used, but do what feels right for you!

Highlights: to indicate who has visited a statue (or completed


Lowlights: to indicate who was outside of a conversation when

occurs (or a confirmed , like ).

Bonus: Leave the briefcase alone.

The briefcase is complicated enough that there’s several

guides dedicated entirely to this cursed object.

Spy: Pick up the case if it’s near you but not near the

, then return the case to the Ambassador by standing behind them.

Sniper: If you think the way a person interacted with the case is suspicious, don’t risk your game on it—you’re probably wrong—but remember it for the replay.

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